Blog, Projects & Gigs

July 2017

The band, 'Deep Tide Quartet' have their album out on Martin Archer's Discus label towards the end of July. The album is called, 'See One, Do One, Teach One'.
DTQ is Martin on saxes, Laura Cole on piano, Kim Macari Stone-Lonergan on trumpet and myself on percussion and electronics.
We have a tour organised with these following dates -
July 26th, Safe House, Verdict Cafe, Brighton.
September 28th, Blank Canvass, Ship and Mitre, Liverpool.
November 21st, Fizzle, Lamp Tavern, Digbeth, Birmingham.
November 22nd, Over The Top, Kingfield Road, Sheffield.

I'm very much looking forward to playing in this superb quartet.

I have joined a Leicester big band, Ka Safar, run by Lee Boyd Allatson. It concentrates mainly on music by Alice Coltrane and Sun Ra.

September 21st I have a gig at the Surface Gallery in Nottingham in the evening. This is with Pete Farmer, record deck, Lorin Halsall on bass, Jan Simson on kit, myself on percussion and electronics, Dan Horner on synth, Chris Warburton on guitar, and Lisolette, voice.

On September 23rd, I have a gig at The General Cemetry Chapel in Sheffield with both Juxtavoices and a quartet made up of Martin Archer on saxes, Geoff Bright on voice, Mick Beck on bassoon and myself on percussion.

May 2017

‘Fear of Crocodiles’.

What happens when free jazz, free improvisation and a big slice of Dada attitude collide for one evening?

This will happen at the Bless on May 2 nd, with ‘Fear of Crocodiles’, brought together in Derby for just this gig.

We are -
Martin Archer – saxophones
Lyn Hodnett – voice
Lorin Halsall – bass and electronics
Walt Shaw – percussion and electronics

I’m joined here by 3 exceptional musicians from out of town, who have amazing musical histories and creative skills.

It’s a 7-30 pm start and £5 or £10 entry, your choice!

I will be playing with South Leicestershire Improvisation Ensemble on July 1st at 8 pm. It's at Quad studios in Leicester. 78, Friday Street, LE1 3BW.

The recording of the album 'See One, Do One, Teach One' on Discus went really well up at Chairworks studios,Yorkshire. It was an inspirational experience working with Martin Archer, Laura Cole and Kim Macari. The album will be out in Autumn. More details to follow then.

April – July 2017

Within the next few weeks 'The Orchestra of The Upper Atmosphere', Theta 3 album will be released. We are very close to completion now. It's been two years in the making and will be something pretty special.

Our weekend at Real World studios near Bath went brilliantly, so the latest 'Engine Room Favourites' album on Discus will be out soon. More information to follow.

Wednesday the 5th April sees the next Juxtavoices gig, showcasing the latest work. This is in Manchester at 7pm, at an experimental poetry evening, 'The Other Room'. The King's Arms, 11, Bloom Street, Salford. M36AN.

On May 8 th and 9th I'll be recording an album under the leadership of Martin Archer at Chairworks Studio, Castleford, Yorkshire. It'll be a quartet with Laura Cole and Kim Macari on piano and trumpet respectively. The album will be released on Discus.

May 27th I'm doing another gig with 'Skin & Bone', this time at the Kunst Gallery, Belper. 7pm. The gallery is at The Old Nail Shed, Campbell Street, Belper DE561AP. Facebook

July 11th will see another new experimental performance of live art / improvisation / sound, with 'Alchemy / Schmalchemy'. This will be the culmination of new work with musician/artists Gillian Whiteley and Geoff Bright. It's at Manchester Metropolitan University at 3pm. M156BH.

I'm excited about doing a trio gig with Martin Archer on saxes and Corey Mwamba on vibes in Brighton on July 26th . 8pm. £6 / £5 for members and concessions. It's at 'Safehouse' ( a format for improvisation ). The Verdicts, 159, Edward Street, Brighton, BN2OJB.

January – March 2017

A new year and some new exciting gigs and projects.

January 26th sees the second gig in Derby of 'Skin & Bone'. This will be at The Bless, Chapel Street at 7-30pm. Entry will be one note. This time the all percussion group I will be playing with is with George Grignon and Greg Rawson.

On March 3rd I will be playing with 'Murmurists' in Manchester in the evening. This will be at 'Home', a fantastic venue, a new centre for international contemporary art, film and theatre. More details to follow.

March 18th and 19th I will be recording in Martin Archer's 'Engine Room Favourites' for a new album. This will be at Peter Gabriel's Real World studios at Box in Wiltshire. An exciting place to record and an exciting project.

Late March or early April I'll be playing with Corey Mwamba, Laura Cole, Rachel Musson, Hannah Marshall and other leading improvisers in London. More details will follow. We will be responding to real time painting done by the artist Gina Southgate.

Looking ahead I will be recording at The Chairworks studios in Castleford with an album of Martin Archer, with Laura Cole and Kim Macari Stone-Lonergan.

November-December 2016

I have a gig at The Lescar, Sheffield on Wednesday 16th November. This will be to perform a piece written by Martin Archer, called 'Abstract, Fugitive, The Silence and A Tree'.

It will be a 5 piece band with Martin Archer, George Murray, Anton Hunter and Geoff Bright. 7-30pm

On December 1st in the afternoon I will be performing with Geoff Bright and Gillian Whiteley in our multi-media project 'Alchemy / Schmalchemy'. This is to be performed at Nottingham Contemporary as part of an international symposium, 'InDialogue'. The symposium interrogates how artists and researchers use dialogue in practice.

Juxtavoices is stepping up a gear again. We have rehearsals coming up to produce new work and a new album soon to be released on the Discus label. We have a gig at St. Ann's church, Manchester on the 9th December. M2 7LF. Time to be announced soon.

Meanwhile the percussion 4 piece 'Skin and Bone' are in rehearsal for new gigs and also The Orchestra of The Upper Atmosphere is completing the final stages of our 3rd album, to be released soon.

Next year there are a number of exciting new projects in the offing. More to be announced in the new year.