Genanarchy / Gamelanarchy
Solo Projects: Genanarchy / Gamelanarchy 2001 This live art piece explored a structured chaos that rebelled against the predestination resulting from ones own genetics. It involved an installation with a strong visual feel, a rack of gongs, chemicals and durational performance.
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Solo Projects: Soundtrace 2009 This project explored a soundscape produced naturally from a large block of melting ice and pebbles. It also involved stretched piano wire, guitar pick-ups, amplified clocks and metal objects. Oblique references to climate change and chaos theory combined with the sheer joy of a powerful soundscape that had its own autonomous…
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Solo Projects: Entropic 2005 Without a doubt the most ambitious and complex of Walt’s solo A.C.E. projects. Again he collaborated with a number of different artists at each gig and venue. These included Simon Piasecki, Lol Coxhill, Graham Foster, Corey Mwamba and the contemporary dancer Sophia Lycouris. The subject of exploration was ‘entropy’. Using a…
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Solo Projects: Timepoints 2004 Walt worked with different artists on a number of seperate performances at different venues. These included the late Lol Coxhill. The subject of exploration was the arbitrary significance of points in personal time, the ‘now’ and its elusiveness. The performances were within an installation, involving towers of running water, clocks, a…
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Solo Projects: Polarities 2003 This Arts Council funded project explored the tensions between the left and right-hand side of the brain, in other words, the tension between the logical mind and the more intuitive and spontaneous mind. It involved Walt collaborating with contemporary dancers, other musicians and performance artists. ‘Polarities’ concerns itself most directly with…
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