Visual Art: Painting & 2D Work Towards a Singularity The Eye is Central Earth1 A Torridon Landscape Prometheus In Mind Event Horizon Dink-Bang! Fun Waltz Dale January Landscape Germination Towards Sea – A Song Peak Walk A Microscape Long Winter into Spring The Life of the Housefly Genome Search Dance Controlled Event Ice Spring Into Summer In a Littoral Zone Upper and Lower Cumberworth with a hint of Doncaster April – A diptych Flocking Landscape Song Signals Poem Fear of Crocodiles The worm moves away from the strong Jazz Mania Earth 3 Above and Below Rainy Beach Walk Sutherland Landscape Summer Mountain Landscape A Summer Landscape New Mind Polka Napanoch Jazz Heartland Garden Confirmed Departure Beatlemania Archeologarden Scottish Landscape with Blue Rocks What Actually Happened? Brotherhood of Breath Untitled Cellular Hill Earthwork Whitworth Threads Untitled D 901 Road map from the darkness Signal Strength Winterflow Totem Ancestor Trails 36 G Invocation Improvisation whilst listening to Takemitsu Improvisation listening to Stockhausen” A jazz ensemble walked through my garden To the Future 1 To the Future 2 To the Future 3 To the Future 4 To the Future 5 To the Future 6 To the Future 7 To the Future 8 To the Future 9 To the Future 10 To the Future 11 To the Future 12 To the Future 13 To the Future 14 To the Future 15 To the Future 16 To the Future 17 To the Future 18 To the Future 19 To the Future 20 On Marsden Moors Neurones Feel Time No.1 Neurones Feel Time No.2 Colne Clough Post Walk Reflection Cellflow Resolution Stone wall, paths, moor Pursuance Horizon Nightstillness Char-cole Dark Thundering Moon Hinterland On Marsden Moor, Swathe Nothing to see here. Move along please Music forms in the cloud chamber Events impinge on an emerging form Three percussive blocks Such a laugh Intercellular flow Loss-Head Oceanus pH / Hymnals Cusp Four emerging forms and seven tubes of sky Branches / Mapping Evabje April Bush A walk through a land I barely understood Pennine-Moorland-Fire Gravel Pits Walk 1 Gravel Pits Walk 2 Gravel Pits Walk 3 March Bush A move to calm the skull cinema A morning improvisation An afternoon improvisation Penny Spring Wood A landscape internalised Inner Garden. Number 3 Phelifrica Bioforms emergence Entomology Paintpoem on a Sunday Rotwoodmossbark Llyn landscape Inner landscape Resonance 3 cellular forms _ organic matrix Cascade Jazznervecell Two feet fall – in 6 panels Sentient creatures in a landscape Scornopier Event in a landscape Womantra Je ne regrette rien Deep stone trail I was free again Memories of February Tromso To think of being The dance _ The stillness Quartet for an indefinable moment Departure not observed. Soul wanderer Towards a sylvan sea Between two worlds Beyond the inner garden On listening to ‘Complexity’, a mix by William McGiven. Inner garden. No 4 Flow Quiet conversation A setbacks / Moves on / Song January Walk Inner Landscape at a singular moment Critical inner paths Northumberland Landscape Edgy round corners Wild Garden Edgelands A migration landscape A quantum landscape In flight, in a landscape November walk – Headspace Reflection Splinter In a dreamscape, a cry to friends lost Visual poem for January Three channels out And a Crackerjack pencil Secret Wilderness Garden Thinking before the leap The crossing Brecon Jazz Fern Extrapolation Escape Velocity Number 2 Escape velocity Ale Head – Bore no grudges Huga Slingur An inner skull landscape Around a line and sparked by it – Happenings Events in a channel Mapping the mental weather No tears were shed Late November Landscape Inner Landscape on a November Sunday Searching pathways Mind-Body-Mind All together in this world Head V Heart Mood overlap Above and Below Coastscape Earth and Water Dance of the organelles Suncopse Lorrycart / Fast Ride Between Zones. Zone series number 1 Zone-Tenuous connection. Zone series number 2 Zone Lysis. Zone series number 3 Zones making contact and breaking free. Zone series number 4 An attempt to form a single zone. Zone series number 5 Beachscape Shorescape _ Ghostboat _ Some crepuscular rays Sticks and Stonesand Winter bones The inconcistencies and incongruities of a single day Walk in the Peaks When will it end