July 2017

The band, ‘Deep Tide Quartet’ have their album out on Martin Archer’s Discus label towards the end of July. The album is called, ‘See One, Do One, Teach One’.
DTQ is Martin on saxes, Laura Cole on piano, Kim Macari Stone-Lonergan on trumpet and myself on percussion and electronics.
We have a tour organised with these following dates –
July 26th, Safe House, Verdict Cafe, Brighton.
September 28th, Blank Canvass, Ship and Mitre, Liverpool.
November 21st, Fizzle, Lamp Tavern, Digbeth, Birmingham.
November 22nd, Over The Top, Kingfield Road, Sheffield.

I’m very much looking forward to playing in this superb quartet.

I have joined a Leicester big band, Ka Safar, run by Lee Boyd Allatson. It concentrates mainly on music by Alice Coltrane and Sun Ra.

September 21st I have a gig at the Surface Gallery in Nottingham in the evening. This is with Pete Farmer, record deck, Lorin Halsall on bass, Jan Simson on kit, myself on percussion and electronics, Dan Horner on synth, Chris Warburton on guitar, and Lisolette, voice.

On September 23rd, I have a gig at The General Cemetry Chapel in Sheffield with both Juxtavoices and a quartet made up of Martin Archer on saxes, Geoff Bright on voice, Mick Beck on bassoon and myself on percussion.