June-July 2016
‘Out Front’ continues to grow and develop, with some great gigs already and a very exciting programme ahead.
Next up is En Bas quartet, an innovative, beautiful string four-piece under the leadership of bass player Seth Bennett. This is on Tuesday, 21st June at 6-30 pm at ‘Baby People’, 3, Forman Street, Derby, DE1 1JQ. www.outfront-em.co.uk
I have some very exciting gigs and projects coming up in June and July, a busy couple of months.
Tuesday, June 7th
A day recording an album with ‘Some Some Unicorn’, run by Shaun Blezard, taking place at Birmingham City University.
Friday, June 10th.
Maida Vale BBC studios, London. A day recording with Juxtavoices in collaboration with ‘Matmos’ duo. We will be making a track that will go out on Radio 3, ‘Late Junction’ at 11pm, date for broadcasting to be confirmed. This will be Juxtavoices second outing on Radio 3.
Tuesday, June 14th.
A continuation of the ongoing project, ‘Developing an aesthetic’, working with Phil Morton and some of the leading improvisers of the Midlands and North. Manchester Metropolitan University, Cheshire Campus at Crewe.
Thursday, June 16th
Centrifuge. An evening with improvisers from the North.
The 3 Cranes, 74, Queen Street, Sheffield, S1 2DW 7-30pm
Thursday, June 23rd
Gig with Dr. Schwitters’ at Cafe Ort, 500 – 504, Mosely Road, Birmingham, B12 9AH. 7-30pm.
Saturday June, 25th
Juxtavoices at The Golden Lion, Todmorden. Fielden Square, OL14 6LZ.
This is the first Juxtavoices concert since our 6 month sabbatical, but after new rehearsals.
Monday, July 4th
Centrifuge in Birmingham. An evening with improvisers from the Midlands. The Lamp, Barford Street. B5 6AH. 7-45pm.
Saturday, 16th
‘Murmurists’ at Minesweeper, Greenwich, London. Details to be supplied later.
Tuesday, 19th July.
Trio with myself and Bruce Coates ( saxes ) with Han Earl Park ( guitar ).
Fizzle, The Lamp, Barford Street, Birmingham 7-30pm.
Saturday July 23rd.
The Three Cranes, Sheffield.
Duo with Martin Archer, saxes and electronics.
Time to be announced.
Also there will be a gig at Artsmith with Mark Sanders, drums and percussion, myself likewise, Bruce Coates, saxes and Mark Miller trombone. The date is now confirmed for this. It’s 7-30 pm on Wednesday, July 6th at Artsmith, Derby on 109, Monk Street. It’ll be £5 on the door. Looking forward to seeing you there.
I’m also rehearsing with a newly formed percussion quartet. Details to follow soon.
The gig with Dr Schwitters on 23rd June in Birmingham has had to be postponed until further notice.