Other Bands
Music: Other Bands

In the band:
Walt Shaw Drums and percussion
Rocchino Franchelli Accordion
Graham Foster Bass
Corey Mwamba Vibraphone
Pete Farmer, aka 'Unkle Peechi' Decks
Borderline Guerillas
In the 90s Walt played kit and percussion with 'Borderline Guerillas'.
For more information, please visit: www.guerillas.free-online.co.uk
Watch videos of Borderline Guerillas on Youtube: here and here.
We were privileged to have the legendary Lol Coxhill play with us on several gigs.

In the band:
Walt percussion, especially gongs, bowls and cymbals
Julian Broadhurst percussion, again mainly gongs, bowls and cymbals
Lords of The Dance
I first met Julian a number of years back. Through 2012 and 2013, we did some percussion collaboration together, which led to an outcome of the CD, 'Music for Metal Percussion'.
You can listen to the album without downloading it: lordsofthedance.bandcamp.com
Above is further information written by Julian and the album, 'Music for Metal Percussion'.

In the band:
Walt Shaw Percussion
Geoff Bright Saxes
Mick Beck Saxes & whistles
Seth Bennet Bass
Mark Summers Bass clarinet
Lynn Hodnett Voice
Dividual Machine
In May 2014, an ad hoc band was put together for the opening of the International Print Exchange at Artsmith LIVE Gallery in Derby.
A rather special performance was dedicated to the late Alethe Barber, an artist who was close to the performers involved. This involved projected image and contemporary dance, integrated with a specially composed piece, loosely based on Purcell's 'Dido's Lament'.

In the band:
Orphy Robinson Vibes
Pat Thomas Piano / electronics
Walt Shaw Percussion / electronics
Cleveland Watkiss Voice / electronics
Black Top
Black Top are one of the regular star turns at Cafe OTO, London's hottest jazz room. Its two regular members Orphy Robinson and Pat Thomas are joined by different musicians for every gig. For Black Top #10, this first show outside London, they invited Walt and Cleveland Watkiss to join them.
Click here to view Derby Jazz Promo Flyer featuring Walt with Black Top

In the band:
Walt Shaw Percussion
Alan Jenkins Bass Clarinet
Pandora Johnson Flute
Joanna Geldard Contemporary Dancer
Kevin A Pickering Projection
Alethe's Lament
Program Notes for a performance by Dividual Machine at Birmingham City University
Improv/Lab with Dividual machine
In this session, Dividual machine, a momentary collective of sonic improvisers using a variety of instruments - bass, percussion, wind, voice, whistles (and a few surprises in pockets and up sleeves) - will work live with the idea of the ritournelle, or 'refrain', from Section 11 of Deleuze and Guattari's: A thousand plateaus. The performance will incite a laboratory/conversation - about 'improvisation' in research and 'research' in improvisation - which will, hopefully -begin to bud -'lines of drift' with different loops, knots, speeds, movements, gestures, and sonorities' (Deleuze and Guattari: A thousand plateaus, 344).

In the band:
Walt Shaw Percussion
Paul Dunmall Tenor
Bruce Coates Soprano
Corey Mwamba Vibes
Seth Bennett Double bass
Mark Sanders drums
Coates, Dunmall, Sanders, Shaw, Bennett, Mwamba
The concert for the closing of Andy Coates' and Walt Shaw's gallery exhibition, Subjects and Structures, at Artsmith Live in Derby, 15 August 2015. This is from the middle of the first set. Since the music tends to grow from one section to another, I've left the sudden ending intact.
Film by Virginia Anderson.