Shaw / Le Mare duo
Music: Bands - Shaw / Le Mare duo
In the band:
Percussion, gongs, electronics, voice, objects
Matt Le Mare
Tabla, percussion, electronics, guitar etc.
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Walt and Matt Le Mare have known each other for several years, sharing similar interests in contemporary music. They were both together at 2 COMA Summer Schools, sharing in some of the modules there. Walt has done workshops with Matt at Derby University where Matt is a lecturer.
In 2010 they began a collaboration to produce the first of 2 albums. 'Signal' was put together between April and August of that year.
On it Walt plays gongs, percussion, objects, electronics and voice. Matt plays tabla, percussion, electronics and voice. The second album, 'Edge to Benares' was produced between October 2010 and September 2011. The music is far more ambient than 'Signal'. Both CDs were recorded live with very minimal editing.
There was no initial intention for there to be an Indian flavour to the album, nor is it Indian music in any sense, but as the recording sessions unfolded a growing reference and evocation of the country evolved.
Walt and Matt realised that this had emerged from their common Indian experiences travelling there. Matt studied tabla for 6 months in the indescribable city of Benares on the Ganges. That proved a source of inspiration for the music.
Several tracks reflect the noise and energy of the place. The other inspiration for the album, are interfaces of all kinds, hence the preoccupation with 'the edge'.
Walt and Matt played together as a duo, live in January of 2013 at Quad studios in Leicester as part of Quadelectronic.

Photograph Credit Unknown

Edge to Benares
Sample Track:

Edge to Rothko (3:34)